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La #DARTMission de la #Nasa impacto un asteroide con una nave para intentar desviar su trayectoria. Es un mecanismo de defensa ante posibles aproximaciones a la

Agujeros negro flotante

El supuesto agujero negro flotante está situado a unos 5.000 años luz de distancia, según lo indica la NASA.

El último lanzamiento de Astra, la compañía que quiere plantar cara a SpaceX, sale mal y se pierden dos satélites de la NASA

«The upper stage of their Rocket 3.3 shut down early and the payload did not reach LEO orbit, explains the company. The failure, which resulted in the loss of two NASA satellites, is not the first for Astra. The company, founded in 2016 by a former NASA chief technology officer and an aerospace engineer from MIT, has attempted nine launches, but only two have been successful.»


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